Mission Adventures is the Full Service short-term Outreach Ministry for Groups.
Our experienced Youth With A Mission staff will take care of all the details of your mission trip so that you can lead your team. We cover all the bases—food, housing, transportation, ministry planning, translation, supplies and everything else so you can actually be a pastor instead of an administrator. You show up with your kids, we’ll handle the rest.
Mission Adventures Means Ministry Training
You won’t go unprepared. Our experienced missionaries will equip you and your team with proven tools so you can express the Gospel across cultures. Not only will we prepare your hands, our camp-like training will prepare your hearts for all that God intends to do through and in your group.
Mission Adventures Means Spiritual Growth
In serving others, your kids can become who they are intended to be. Jesus teaches us that when we lose ourselves for His sake, that’s when we really find out who we are. When you take your group on a Mission Adventures outreach, your kids will lose themselves in serving others. They’ll discover what they’re made of and they will grow.

Where do you want to go?
These YWAM Centers Host Mission Adventures Outreaches
Click a YWAM Center Close to You for More Information
Brazil • CENTRAL AMERICA • South America
Europe • UK • Asia
Australia • New Zealand
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